Gray Space Coaching Testimonial Wall

Engaging with Doug has been a game-changer. His unique insight and coaching expertise has empowered me to navigate challenges with a deeper understanding of my brain's mechanisms. I've gained valuable tools to enhance focus, manage stress, and achieve personal goals. His scientific approach to coaching has provided me with practical strategies rooted in brain science. I've experienced remarkable growth, improved decision-making, and a profound understanding of how my mind works.
- Valerie E.
I am a huge mental health advocate. I was raised by alcholic parents and became a single mom in my 30's with young children after ending an abusive marriage. I learned that I have to put myself first sometimes. When I come to the Women’s Group Coaching, I leave feeling like I’m okay; like I can make it through another week. We all have challenges and it’s much easier when we lift and support eachother through them.
- Carlie W.
I have been in and out of different types of counseling since I was a teen dealing with the effects of trauma. Right off the bat, Doug was friendly and compassionate in his approach. I always felt like I was with a great friend. He helped me move forward using other skills by teaching how the brain and body are connected, that traditional therapy doesn't use that worked amazing! Thank you for creating this space for people to heal.
- Iciyapi Tate O.
I've been working with Doug at Gray Space Experts for about a year. My life has completely transformed. Doug was able to help me change mindsets and perspectives about many areas of my life. I am now launching a coaching business of my own, in a healthy and happy relationship, and a sober attentive mom to my kids. I am living the life of my dreams!
- Ashley K.
Women's Intimacy Coach
I am so grateful that my daughter and I are working with Doug. You can tell that Doug and Jeanine really care about their clients and helping people better their lives. We can all use extra help with the challenges we face and the is the perfect place to come. I have already noticed a difference in just a couple of weeks and look forward to the many positive changes to come.
- Pam B.
I can’t even begin to explain how happy I am that I started working with the Gray Space Team! Not only are they fun, loving, kind and excepting but also so knowledgeable. I have been working on things with them for just over a month, and have already seen so many positive and necessary changes that were needed for me, my life and my happiness. Give them a call, let them help you. Let them guide you and teach you the skills you need to have the life you want. You won’t regret it!
- Kim W.
Doug was recommended to me by my former productivity coach. I had a lot of trust extended toward my old coach and was tentative before I reached out. Without a doubt Doug was just what I needed. I was a returning citizen that had just spent the last 3 years in prison. Who could possibly help me? And why would they want to? I can tell you that Doug and his team are serious about making this world a better and safer place. They will work with anyone who is serious about getting the help they need if you have the courage to ask for the help. Doug has helped me find and maintain my dignity again. To keep me on track doing things that build self respect where it is due, and to help me find amazing tools when I hit a wall. He always has a story, or an intellectual explanation, or a tool I've never tried. He's not afraid to explore my faith with me, or just be an ear. He has really helped me see my successes when I've taken them for granted, and I would have to write a book to try and explain how this has positively affected my family, work, and faith. Doug has the perfect blend of empathy, knowledge, faith, patience, and wisdom. Thank you Doug for all that you've done for me.
- Bret
Doug has a gift for understanding exactly how you feel, identifying the struggle, and providing insights that bring real change. His approach based on neuroscience helps make powerful results possible. I highly recommend him.
- Dan H.
Not only do they offer life-changing services but the conpassionate environment they create at Gray Space leaves you feeling loved, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world!
- Lori F.
I don’t know anyone who understands and practices compassion more than Doug Richens, he can help transform your life.
- Cody L.
Motivational Speaker & Coach
Doug has helped me get through some tough trauma and set my mind/life goals on track! Definitely recommend!!!
- Meghan S.
If you need help with personal or business growth (for me it was both) you found the best company to get you there! The Gray Space Team is family oriented and understand the dynamics of work/home life balance. They've catered to my schedule and needs. If you're thinking about it, just give them a call.
- Evan W.
Small Business Owner, Husband, Father
Doug Richens and his staff are wonderful. The help I have received there had been nothing short of life changing. I did not realize that the pain and hurt that kept me from living a full and happy life could be helped let alone healed. Their group classes are helping me to continue to live happy!!!! I’m so glad I found them.
- Paula V.
A year ago our family was in a very different place. We were desperate for a miracle to help our daughter. We took each day as a win if we made it to bed without tears, mental breakdowns, depression, anxiety, paranoia. For years, we sought help from countless therapists, doctors, counselors and alternative doctors. We were finally lead to Doug Richens and Gray Space Experts. What Doug has done for our family in one day, one week, one month...has been nothing short of a miracle. His consistent effort of showing up, not only for our family, but for those we've referred, is one of the most selfless acts I've witnessed from any professional. We found our miracle.
- Tori L.
Business Owner, Wife, Mother
This space has been the most amazing, and life changing experience in my life. It has not only helped me get to a better place emotionally, but has taught me more about myself and created lifelong skills in me to help with life. Gray Space Experts is a safe, caring, and supportive environment filled with incredible people.
- Karinne P.
The team at GraySpace is kind, compassionate, smart and working with the singular goal of helping us all live our best lives. I’ve know Doug and Jeanine Richens for years. They are truly passionate about helping people. GraySpace is a safe place for people of all walks of life and all kinds of concerns to come and find hope.
- Suzanne P.
Doug & Jeanine are some of the most genuine people I have ever met. They truly care about others and helping them be successful in life. They have built an amazing team at Gray Space that can help anyone who is ready to make positive changes in their life. I can't say enough good things about them!
- Julia S.
Gray Space Experts cares for every individual they work with. It is obvious that their focus is on helping individuals, in a manner the individual needs, not focusing on getting people in and out as fast as possible. Helping people move forward in life is focal as opposed to having returning clients indefinitely as a source of income. I highly recommend Gray Space Experts if you want REAL results.
- Mel S.